The Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg is one of Germany's larger music universities. The university is housed in the prestigious Budge-Palais in Hamburg Rotherbaum, near the city center. Church music, jazz, pop, composition, conducting, instrumental music, and voice are all covered in the courses. The theatre academy provides training in drama, opera, and directing. A third academy provides scientific and educational degrees and credentials (musicology, music education and therapy). It was founded 1950 as Staatliche Hochschule für Musik (Public college of music)
The HfMT Hamburg is distinguished by its integration of art and science through the linking of research to artistic practice. The concept of transfer is deeply embedded in the university's orientation and self-image. One of the HfMT's focal points, according to its motto "Artistic excellence in social responsibility," is the organization of public events - more than 600 per year.
Furthermore, various projects have always been implemented in collaboration with cultural and educational institutions. Stage 2.0 supplements these long-established transfer activities and allows for expansion and reorientation, particularly in the field of artistic knowledge transfer through innovative stage and mediation formats. This assistance program is especially beneficial to HfMT students. There are numerous new performance opportunities supported by the Career Center that provide valuable experiences for one's own artistic career.
The University of Music and Theater Hamburg maintains special cooperation and partnerships with European universities and institutions, in addition to a global network of contacts. The impetus for new collaborations comes from across the university or from affiliated institutions. The university is also opening up to broader social classes and investigating the social relevance of its teaching through the participation of other artistic and social institutions from the surrounding area.