
Kehl University of Applied Sciences 

Public (University of Applied Sciences)
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University Type

University of Applied Sciences

Best Known For

Pubilc Governance




The Kehl University of Applied Sciences is a university that offers bachelor's degrees exclusively for public service jobs. Its main task is to train civil servants for higher administrative service in the state, the municipality, the districts and other bodies, institutions and foundations under public law that are subject to state supervision. She shares this task with the University of Public Administration and Finance in Ludwigsburg, with whom she works closely because the students of both universities have to pass the same state examination. The University of Public Administration in Kehl is one of Germany's most prestigious institutions of its kind. It was established in 1971 and grew in the 1980s. Currently, 44 full-time professors and approximately 250 lecturers are teaching. Currently, approximately 1,400 students are enrolled in the bachelor's degree in "Public Management," master's degree in "European Administrative Management," part-time master's degree in "Public Management," and Franco-German master's degree in "Management of Clusters and Regional Networks." Graduates frequently obtain managerial positions immediately following their training. Many mayors come from the higher administrative service, which also plays such an important role in larger communities and state government that it is referred to as the administration's "backbone." In contrast to external universities, bachelor students at public administration universities are civil servant candidates. Aside from the fact that students are paid for their studies and practical training, there are some significant differences between internal and external universities in the admissions process and student administration. The Kehl and its international office works closely with state and regional representatives in order to bundle and sustainably promote the diverse scientific relationships between Kehl University and other partner universities, administrations and institutions abroad.

Admission Info

Intake :


Degrees offered (type) :



Application Mode :


Tuition Fees

Fees (EU)

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Fees (non-EU)


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Accommodation Situation

Practical Tip

Even though finding a room is relatively easy around this University, we highly recommend to not to wait for long. To secure a place, start applying as soon you get an admission.

Get in touch with Student Affairs of your University (Studentenwerk).

Connect with Student Associations specifically for your country.

Join social Media groups for Expats / Students for this city.

Connect with previous batch students from your country.

Write in German when contacting private landlords.

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