In Germany's Baden-Württemberg region, Freiburg is home to the Freiburg University of Education (PH Freiburg). Locally, it is known as Freiburg Pädagogische Hochschule. The college was founded in 1962. It has received accreditation from the Baden-Württemberg Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung, and Kunst.
The Freiburg University of Education is a university-level educational institution with the authority to confer doctorates and habilitations. It is charged with carrying out the corresponding duties in educational (basic) research, research-focused instruction, scientific further education, and the support of emerging scientists.
With the Educational Graduate Academy (BiwAk), the University of Education Freiburg offers doctoral candidates, habilitation candidates, postdocs, and junior professors a wide range of supporting, qualifying, and advisory services. Scientific qualification and professional positioning in academic contexts present a variety of challenges.
The Freiburg University of Education's mentorship programs are designed to support young women in science (MenTa), engineering education students (Mentoring IngPäd), and young women who are interested in technology or who have just begun their studies (Mentoring Technology).
Offering education to all age groups is another aspect of the University of Education's goal.
Within the FACE (School of Education - FACE/Freiburg Advanced Center of Education) framework, the institution collaborates in research and instruction with the Freiburg University of Music, the University of Freiburg, and more than 100 other universities across the world.