4 Semesters
Few Weeks Left
Master programme in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics is a scientific-research-oriented programme that provides the theoretical foundations and skills necessary for a comprehensive understanding of large areas of the increasingly complex financial and actuarial markets. It also provides a link between mathematics and financial economics.
The Semester contributions totaling 259.54 EUR must be paid each semester. It includes Student union fee 99.00 EUR, AStA (Student body contribution fee) 13.00 EUR and VRN semester ticket + West Palatinate fee 147.54 EUR
When enrolling, an additional 10 EUR is charged for the creation of the chip card as a student ID
Students over the age of 60 must pay a fee of 700 EUR
Applicants must pay A non-refundable application fee of 60 EUR
Minimum requirement includes a Bachelor degree in Business Mathematics or in Mathematics with Economics as minor subject or a comparable university degree.
A specific admission requirement is that the Applicants must have successfully passed examinations for the modules Stochastic Methods and Probability Theory or in equivalent modules from the area of stochastics amounting to at least 18 Credit Points (CP) as well as economics modules from the Bachelor programme Business Mathematics (or equivalent modules) amounting to at least 16 CP.
English proficiency can also be proven by German high school diploma or if courses and lectures at the former university were taught in English
Applicants should brief description of the contents of all mathematical lectures attended at university
Applicants from the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia, India and Vietnam must submit APS certificate
Semester | International Students | EU Students |
Summer | 31 Oct | 31 Oct |
Winter | 30 Apr | 30 Apr |
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