Enjoy One of a Kind dashboard. All the rich features including your personal favourite courses are accessible in one place. You will not anything else to Manage your University applications. Keep Smiling :-)
Each of your search is unique with different search criteria, keyword. Use our Save Search feature to save your search so you can get the same results any time you need with one click.
No limit on how many searches you can save. Saved searches can also be removed if not needed.
A dedicated Saved Search section in your dashboard makes it easy to access and enjoy your searches any time.
Sorting by Status
If your favourite course list becomes long ( it will be ;-), you can sort them based on the course status.
Change course status
Click to set a status (Shortlisted, Started Applying, Applied, Admitted etc.,) to a course when you are progressing.
View Tasks
All the list of tasks that needs to be completed for each course can be viewed here. Click again to close it back.
Add A new task
You can add any additional tasks that need to take care to complete the application. Set custom name as you wish.
Set task deadline
Set deadline for each of the task to take full control. You can set task status and priority for professional level management.