
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) 

Public (University of Applied Sciences)
  • Overview
  • Locations
  • Facts & Figures
  • Admission Info
  • Living

Date of Establishment


University Status





University Type

University of Applied Sciences

Best Known For


Lecture Mode



The Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (German: Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg) is a higher education and applied research institution in Hamburg, Germany. The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, formerly known as Fachhochschule Hamburg, was founded in 1970. In terms of student enrollment, the HAW is Hamburg's second-largest university and Germany's fourth-largest applied sciences university. The Faculty of Technology and Computer Science is HAW Hamburg's largest faculty, with 163 professors teaching approximately 6,000 students across four departments and 21 courses. The Faculty of Life Sciences houses 18 courses that are directly related to people's basic living conditions. The range of subjects includes everything from health and nutrition to natural sciences and engineering. The Faculty of Design, Media, and Information, with 72 professors and 3007 students, offers courses ranging from design to media technology areas such as light and sound design and game design, as well as information and media courses. Teachers are drawn from practice and research. With the help of 88 professors, approximately 4,000 students at the Faculty of Economics and Social Affairs in four departments and 20 courses, gain practical skills that enable them to contribute to long-term solutions to critical social challenges. HAW Hamburg views quality development as an ongoing and collaborative process. The emphasis is on high-quality research and instruction. At the same time, HAW Hamburg is expanding its reputation as a research university. HAW Hamburg is shaped by people from over 100 different countries. Their unique strength is their diversity.

Admission Info

Intake :

Summer, Winter

Degrees offered (type) :







Application Mode :


Tuition Fees


Fees (EU)

tuition fees logo


Fees (non-EU)


Avg Private Rental close to Univ

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Studentwerk Rent


Highly competitive

Accommodation Situation

Practical Tip

Finding a room is VERY DIFFICULT around this University. Start ASAP. You are most likely on a waiting list for a student hostel accommodation even if you delay few days.

Don’t waste a minute. Get in touch with Student Affairs of your University (Studentenwerk) right after you receive your admission.

Connect with Student Associations specifically for your country.

Join social Media groups for Expats / Students for this city.

Connect with previous batch students from your country.

For temporary stay check out Youth Hostels in your city.

Be aware of internet scams. Never pay without viewing the place.

Write in German when contacting private landlords.

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