Deciding among multiple universities and courses can be confusing. Use our Compare Tool to look at all the options in an easy to understand side-by-side overview.
RWTH Aachen University
Catalyst Institute for Creative Arts and Technology
Select courses or universities to compare directly from the search results.
The compare tool creates a quick summary of all the important aspects of the universities you select and presents all the data categorically to help you make decisions.
Liked a course while comparing? Shortlist them easily with one-click for further consideration.
Add to compare
Add any 3 courses or universities from the search result snippets to compare them side-by-side.
Add to your Favourite list
Found what you are looking for or something interesting? Mark it as your favourite (visible in Dashboard)
Go to detailed view
Click anywhere on the snippet area of a course or a university to go to the detailed view of it.
Course Status
This shows the status of your favourite course. Status ( Shortlisted, Applied etc) for a course can be set in dashboard.
Compare the selection
Most wanted feature. Click here to view the detailed comparison of the selected items side-by-side.