
Goethe University Frankfurt 

Frankfurt, Frankfurt am main
Public (University)
  • Overview
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  • Facts & Figures
  • Admission Info
  • Living

Date of Establishment


University Status





University Type


Best Known For


Lecture Mode



Goethe University is a university located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It was founded in 1914 as a citizens' university, which means it was founded and funded by the wealthy and active liberal citizenry of Frankfurt. The original name was Universität Frankfurt am Main. In 1932, the university's name was extended in honour of one of the most famous native sons of Frankfurt, the poet, philosopher and writer/dramatist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The university currently has around 45,000 students, distributed across four major campuses within the city. The university celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2014. 20 Nobel Prize winners have been affiliated with the university, including Max von Laue and Max Born. Goethe University is now one of Germany's top ten universities. Around 600 students began their studies in Frankfurt with the start of teaching in the winter semester of 1914/15. During the winter semester, Goethe University had over 37,000 students enrolled. Critically committed to its eventful history, the institution is guided by the ideas of the European Enlightenment, democracy and the rule of law and opposes racism, nationalism and anti-Semitism. The Goethe University is a place of argumentative debate where research and teaching are socially responsible. The teaching and research activities are spread across four campuses rather than one. University of Frankfurt's 16 faculties are now distributed as: the social and educational science faculty on the Bockenheim campus, the natural sciences faculty on the Riedberg campus, the medical faculty on the Niederrad campus, and the former economics, social sciences, law, and philosophy faculties on the Westend campus. Although size is not the same as strength, to the University of Frankfurt, size means diversity and thus harbors enormous potential for the future development of the university.

Admission Info

Intake :

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

Degrees offered (type) :







Application Mode :

Online, Post, Email, Uni-assist

Tuition Fees


Fees (EU)

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Fees (non-EU)


Avg Private Rental close to Univ

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Studentwerk Rent


Highly competitive

Accommodation Situation

Practical Tip

Finding a room is VERY DIFFICULT around this University. Start ASAP. You are most likely on a waiting list for a student hostel accommodation even if you delay few days.

Don’t waste a minute. Get in touch with Student Affairs of your University (Studentenwerk) right after you receive your admission.

Connect with Student Associations specifically for your country.

Join social Media groups for Expats / Students for this city.

Connect with previous batch students from your country.

For temporary stay check out Youth Hostels in your city.

Be aware of internet scams. Never pay without viewing the place.

Write in German when contacting private landlords.

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