
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg 

Public (University)
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Date of Establishment


University Status





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Lecture Mode



Helmut Schmidt University, located in Hamburg, Germany, is a German military educational institution founded in 1973 on the initiative of then-Federal Minister of Defence Helmut Schmidt. It is one of two universities founded by the Bundeswehr to train and educate its future and current officers. It is generally restricted to officers and officer candidates of the Bundeswehr, hence its original name. However, since 2002, the university has had a small number of civilian students. A business scholarship is required to study as a civilian at Helmut Schmidt University. These scholarships are typically awarded by large corporations and foundations with close ties to industry. Tuition costs 2941 euros (humanities), 4403 euros (economics), or 3423 euros (engineering) per academic term as of 2022. Helmut Schmidt University is a scientific institution. She embodies the concept of education through science. Through competitive basic and applied research, the university establishes itself in an international research landscape. The free research activities of their scientific members contribute to the high quality of their teaching. The university is a science partner of the federal government and strives to open up further, particularly in the context of European integration. It is dedicated to the ideals of disciplinary diversity and scientific cultures, as well as international scientific cooperation. The university provides specialist expertise as well as science-based critical and judgmental skills to its military and civilian students. Its degrees are equivalent to those of civilian universities, and as such, it contributes significantly to the Bundeswehr's attractiveness as an employer. She also develops the academic foundation of the citizen in uniform and inner leadership through research and teaching. As a result, the university makes a significant contribution to the preparation of officers for complex tasks in a multinational setting.

Admission Info

Intake :

Summer, Winter

Degrees offered (type) :






Application Mode :

Online, Post

Tuition Fees

Fees (EU)

tuition fees logo

Fees (non-EU)


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Studentwerk Rent


Highly competitive

Accommodation Situation

Practical Tip

Finding a room is VERY DIFFICULT around this University. Start ASAP. You are most likely on a waiting list for a student hostel accommodation even if you delay few days.

Don’t waste a minute. Get in touch with Student Affairs of your University (Studentenwerk) right after you receive your admission.

Connect with Student Associations specifically for your country.

Join social Media groups for Expats / Students for this city.

Connect with previous batch students from your country.

For temporary stay check out Youth Hostels in your city.

Be aware of internet scams. Never pay without viewing the place.

Write in German when contacting private landlords.

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