Karlshochschule International University, based in Karlsruhe, is a state-approved non-profit private foundation university. It focuses on critical management studies, cultural studies, and social and political sciences with an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. The Wissenschaftsministerium (Ministry of Science) officially recognized university offers 12 Bachelor's programs and two Master's programs that are also FIBAA accredited. More than 700 students are taught by 10 professors, 4 honorary professors, and approximately 80 lecturers.
The educational content is global in scope and prepares students for careers in the global labor market. English as the medium of instruction Cross-cultural collaboration among teachers from various countries and cultures results in international experiences in the classroom. Karlhochschule's global networking and international orientation in teaching and research result in a wide range of collaborations, projects, events, and international scientific elaborations. Learning is shaped by the interest in knowledge of managerial, entrepreneurial and organisational activity in economic, ecological, social and cultural contexts.
The emphasis of the education is on practical application. More than half of Karlshochschule's students are international. As a result, the students' origins are distributed very differently across approximately 60 countries worldwide. All Karls students spend the fourth or fifth semester abroad at one of more than 120 partner universities around the world (outgoing students) to gain additional experience and broaden their horizons.
Whether professors, lecturers, or staff - at Karls, a great diversity of origin, languages, cultures, and experiences abroad is evident. Students can improve their intercultural competence, improve their foreign language skills, and learn about a new learning culture during their semester abroad. Simultaneously, students can make international contacts that will benefit them later in their careers.