Merz Akademie provides Bachelor of Arts degrees in Film and Video, New Media, Visual Communication, Cross-media Publishing, and Cultural Theory. Each major focuses on the fields of design, art, and media. In addition, the university emphasizes research, experimental studies, and integrating analytical studies in design and art.
The Master of Arts in Art, Design, and Media program allows students to conduct research projects in the fields of film, video, design, art, new media, and contemporary technical practices. Cross-media publishing, New Media, Film and Video, Visual Communication, Theory of technical practices, and Master of Arts - Artistic Research in Design, Art, and Media are some of the areas of study. The Science Council institutionally accredited the university as a non-profit organization in 2008 and 2015, followed by course accreditations for Bachelor and Master courses. Merz Akademie, University of Design, Art, and Media, Stuttgart has been the university's name since 2011.
The Merz Academy's dedicated interest in the humanities, social and cultural sciences, design, art, and technology positions the university as an innovative place of learning between a traditional art academy, a design university, and a humanities faculty. The university's tasks include teaching, research, and further education activities that enable professional and academic education and further education of designers and authors in the media sector on a scientific, artistic, and technological basis.
A semester abroad at a Merz Akademie partner university in Europe or outside of Europe can greatly enrich students' future professional and personal lives. Studies and international experience are inextricably linked. Internships in European or non-European countries can be completed by students to gain additional skills and knowledge as well as cultural experience. The Merz Academy receives Federal Ministry of Education and Research scholarships (BMBF).