The Technical University of Nuremberg is one of Germany's largest universities, with 13,000 students. It generates ideas for today's and tomorrow's worlds and investigates our society's most pressing issues. The TH Nuremberg is an important innovation engine for the Nuremberg metropolitan region, as one of the most research-active and third party-funded universities in Bavaria. The university is very successful in regional knowledge and technology transfer due to its excellent contacts with the economy.
TH Nürnberg is involved in the development of innovative teaching concepts. The emphasis is on developing the 'teaching and learning service' into an integral part of the university, which is intertwined with the university's existing facilities in many ways: for a broad and lasting effect that truly affects all forms of teaching.
The broad and practice-oriented range of courses is dedicated to today's technical, economic, social, and design challenges, and graduates have excellent career prospects. Twelve faculties offer accredited bachelor's and master's degree programs, as well as continuing education courses for professionals, certificate programs, and dual study options.
In a globalized living, working, and scientific environment, the TH Nuremberg sees itself as a university with strong regional roots. In the last 15 years, the Nuremberg metropolitan region has established itself primarily as a research and development center for globally active companies, as well as a science location.
Internationality and interculturality are important aspects of university life. Nuremberg Tech's internationalization strategy achieves the goal of allowing all university members to gain international experience, whether on campus or abroad, and of promoting international exchange.
Innovative teaching concepts give new impetus to modern education. All in all, the university is heavily involved in regional knowledge and technology transfer due to its excellent contacts with the economy.