The University of Bremen (German: Universität Bremen) is a public university founded in 1971 in Bremen, Germany. It is a 20,000-student, medium-sized German university. More than 100 master's and bachelor's degrees, as well as the state legal test, are available at Bremen for its dedicated and brilliant students. Additionally, the institution has redefined project-based courses, a distinctive element that dates back to the University of Bremen's founding, through research-based learning. Together with nine other institutions, it is creating a new model for European higher education as a member of the network of young universities for the future of Europe (YUFE).
A large number of academic fields are taught and researched by 2,300 academics (43% of whom are female), and 270 of whom are professors (32% of whom are female).
A research university is the University of Bremen. Despite having 12 faculties, it concentrates its research in just six well-known interdisciplinary fields. They include studies on the marine, the polar regions, and the environment, social change, social policy, and the state, production engineering and materials science, minds, machines, and media, logistics, and health sciences.
Five interdisciplinary, prominent areas that are focused on the oceans and the global climate, the future of industrial production, the social conflicts of contemporary welfare states, the interfaces between digital technology and humans, the logistics of global supply chains, and equity in health care address the problems of today's and future societies. The marine sciences stand out in particular thanks to their Cluster of Excellence, which has received funding since 2006.