Few Weeks Left
In North American Studies we scientifically analyse the history society literature culture politics and economy of the United States and Canada. Structured around six key disciplines history cultural studies literary studies political science sociology and economics and the program imparts profound expertise of these two countries while allowing students to deepen their specialized knowledge as they gradually select a disciplinary focus.
History, Cultural studies, Literary studies, Political science, S... See More
The amount 312 EUR consists of a 50.00 EUR as enrollment fee, 54.09 as social contribution for the studierendenwerk BERLIN, 10.00 as contribution to the student government (Studierendenschaft), 198.80 for the semester ticket
Minimum requirement includes general university entrance qualification or equivalent.
Applicants must submit the Notarized copy of your High School leaving certificate or diploma including an official transcript with your GPA to enhance the possibilities of admission
Semester | International Students | EU Students |
Winter | 15 Jul | 15 Jul |
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